Wednesday, April 19, 2006

It is so physically exhausting to haul a 20 lb infant around all day. I am in a state of amazement at the general ache in my body, and often think about the sheer pleasure I will experience when he no longer needs to be hoisted up somewhere on my being. I mean, how great is it going to be when he has total mobility and I can relax in the joy of having two children running at full tilt in opposite directions.

I hung up our toddler swing today. Of course, NOW Ava loves swings. For almost 3 years, she despised them, then suddenly she finally recognized the pleasure of having one's vestibular system challenged by gravity and centripetal force. I cannot get her off the swings at the playground (FINE BY ME, I don't need to climb all over everything with Carter on my back), and now that I have hung the swing that I thought would be a great place to park Carter while Ava and I played outside, she wants to be in it. So, now I still have to hold Carter, or monitor his intake of pine needles while he sits on the ground. Pine needles though are not that bad--they are hard to get in one's mouth and are almost impossible to choke on. It is the pine cones and wood chips that I worry about.

Putting the swing up was interesting--we have one decent branch on our entire property, one branch on one tree out of approximately, oh, 1,000,000 trees. But it is conveniently in the play area of our yard, and currently holds the birdfeeder. I managed to purchase 2 lengths of chain at the hardware store, and then basically tied Rose's leash to one end, then hooked a toy to the free end of the leash and spent a good amount of time trying to wing that up and over the branch which is about 16 feet in the air. But I did it. Twice. I had to really struggle to reach the toy once it was over, but it was nothing some plastic bins and a swiffer could not handle. And then I hooked up the swing and felt a surge of pride and independence as I finally accomplished something that has been on the to do list for over a year. And I thought I needed help!

Today was beautiful--sunny and 70. Almost made me want to go swimming. But the water is still roughly 40 degrees, so nah. Both Ava and Carter were dying to go in, even after they felt it with their hands. It should be a fun summer. Especially when Carter can walk.

It is weird to want your child to grow up, but I do. I am anxious for the gap between their abilities to close a bit. And Ava's personality is so interesting right now, I really want to see what he is going to be like when he starts talking.

We were in the grocery store, and whenever we passed someone, she would loudly say "excuuuuuuuse us!" or "Ex-Scuse ME maaammmm" -- but the best was when we were finishing up by the deli and the fancy cheese case and the beer case and I said "I think we are all done, Ava!" and she said at the top of her lungs: "Mom! We forgot to buy beer for Daddy!!"

And it is VERY important to her that everyone knows that she is 2 and a half. "I'm 2... And a half." And then she nods very knowingly.

But my favorite is "You know what?..." I cannot believe that all kids really do that.