well, i finally got a cable to link my ipod with our stereo. now, i can listen to it. so wonderful! i was so happy to just hit shuffle and see what came up. ava likes the talking heads, lou reed, gwen stefani (specifically hollaback girl), any and all electronic music--especially kruder and dorfmeister, phish, squeeze, beck, and she thought tom waits was interesting. not so keen on liz phair, but we did not get the best selection yet...then sgt. pepper came on. "what's this one mom?"
"sgt pepper, ava"
"who is sgt pepper?"
"well, that is the song and the album, but the band is the beatles"
"oh! i know them! daddy told me about the doobie beatles!"
it took me about 5 minutes before i could stop laughing.
ava was so pleased that she had made me hysterical that she started screaming "doobie beatles!! doobie beatles!!! doooooooooooobie beatles!!!!"
carter continues to mime his way through life, though we get new words here and there, but he just seems to prefer gestures. and he has a very communicative gesture language. however, the one word that he loves to make is 'tickle,' which comes out as tckltckltckltckltclklklktckl...in fact, most of his favorite things to say are sounds. thus a siren sound is an emergency vehicle, different vrooms mean different types of trucks, and a very specific zzzzzing is for plane. unfortunately for me, his request to drink is to open his mouth and stick out his tongue and say "aaahhhh ahhhhh ahhhh" -- this includes his request to nurse, which is rather embarassing when i am holding him since he bends over to make sure i know exactly what he is referring to. and then so does the rest of the grocery store.
i am so curious to know what he is going to say when he finally does talk.