Tuesday, April 24, 2007

i am so tired. so so so tired. i cannot think. i know that ava and carter said some pretty funny things today, (or at least did some pretty funny things in carter's case), and i cannot remember anything. i will, i am sure. after i sleep for a year.

today we traipsed all over the north country, filling in the down time between school, doctor and ice skating by stopping at every playground that we could find. which was clearly a-ok with the kids. and i was pretty darn joyful that the weather finally allowed it. both kids love "underdog" -- which involves me pushing them in a swing from behind, then running under them (with my hands pushing the seat) to appear in front as they zoom down away from me. it is pretty fun, and a surprising amount of work.

and, finally, the ice is out. open water on all of the lakes. so nice. by june it should be about 50 degrees--perfect for a summer dip!