Wednesday, May 02, 2007

Ava: Do you want to hear a story, Mom?
Mom: Sure
Ava: So, the other day, I was in China…
Mom: China! Wow. That is pretty far!
Ava: No. The OTHER China. There’s two. This one is much closer.

Ava: Mom, do you remember when you were telling me not to touch your bike, and when you were really mad that I did?
Mom: Yes, I do.
Ava: Well, the reason I did it anyway is because you were not speaking in English, and I could not understand your language.
Mom: Oh. What language was I speaking?
Ava: I don’t know. I could not understand you.

Ava: Do you know the language they speak in NYC?
Mom: No, Ava, what language?
Ava: Jalalallaaaa. And you say hello like ShaMAte.
Mom: SHAmate?
Ava: NO! Sha-MA-te.
Mom: Sha-MA-te?
Ava: yes!

Carter: A-Va! A-Va! A-Va! Mama! Maaaaaaaaaama! Mama. Mama?
Mom: Yes?
Carter: Night-night.