Monday, October 22, 2007

so tonight, i told carter and ava that we were having hamburgers, a favorite for both of them. not for me, but whatever.

as we were driving home, we passed mcdonald's. both kids have had enough hamburgers there in the past few months to develop a serious adoration for those confections of pickles, grease and white bread. carter, thinking logically, sent up a howl of protest when we did not stop.

i said, oh no honey, we are having hamburgers at home.

carter said "nuh-uh!"

and then ava piped in:

"well, carter, mommy does not want us to have too many mcdonald's hamburgers--do you know why?"

carter shook his head

"well, the meat in the hamburgers has bad stuff in it because the farmers who raise the cows feed them yucky food and give them medicines that gets into their meat and then into us, and that is not good...that is why mommy likes organic meat..." etc.

not only did it stop carter in his tracks, it very nearly stopped me in my tracks.

apparently, she IS listening to me ramble...