Saturday, January 17, 2009

ava is sick. fever of 102. we went to a birthday party today, where i managed to lose a couple of battles in my ongoing war to prevent ava from understanding who hannah montana is. (i don't know why i am so anti-hannah, i have never even watched the show, but it is just some sort of anxiety about marketing and pop culture and well, frankly, she loooks a bit old for ava--a little too much on the teen side of things, and i don't think ava needs to be leaping into teen-dom at 5). anyway, we returned home where she collapsed into the green chair and i put my hand on her to sort of say, "i know, that was really exhausting..." (it was). and when i did, i thought, gee, she feels hot. then she said "mom, my throat hurts..." and so i got the thermometer. 100.6. and then, 1/2 hour later, 101.9 -- where it has remained despite various interventions. between my recent illness, the fact that a stomach bug is going around, and that a little girl in her class had strep throat, i am not exactly surprised. it just stinks.

moreover, the school issue remains a big problem. i finally conferred with the principal, and we are trying to find a solution, though it is sort of a slow process. i am advocating a half-time schedule.

i am feeling very defeated. though we may have found a piano teacher for ava. exactly when we are going to fit that in, i have no idea.