Saturday, March 28, 2009

anna is reaching somewhat successfully for things now--she seems to have understood how her arms and hands are for, and now when i hold her, she holds on. this may not sound earth-shattering, but there is nothing that feels so good as when a baby suddenly returns the hug. granted, her 'hug' is not infused with the same emotion as mine, and is more of a 'oh thank god, mom is here and i am not alone' but it is still a wonderful recognition.

she can obviously see more now too--when she is awake, her eyes are wide open (she has huge eyes), and she cranes her head around every way she can to take in her surroundings. and she makes tons of noises at us when we make eye contact. she does this funny thing in the back of her throat which is her first greeting, then she usually makes some coos and gurgles.

and her neck is getting strong. when she is on her tummy or on my shoulder, she can easily pick up her head and turn it the other way.

but the funniest thing is that she pumps her right leg up and down just like ava used to. when she is getting her diaper changed, she looks like she is pretending to ride a scooter or skateboard. she is starting to look more like ava too. though she still looks like she might be more of a redhead. i don't know why, because her hair is not really red, but there is something about her coloring that makes me think that. it might have to do with the red stork bites on her eyelids. when those fade, i think we might have a better idea of what/who she is going to look like.