Wednesday, April 29, 2009

anna is absolutely huge. she is officially out of her 0-3 month clothes. when she is fed, well rested and dry, she spends most of her time smiling and laughing. she is still quite soft spoken, preferring to stare at you and quietly say "goo...ah goo...glah gooo" and "ooohhh...oohhhh...allloooo" (which of course sounds like hello) in a teeny tiny voice. and of course "aabllllleehhh"

my only major concern is that she still does not appear to have tears--there was a point where her eyes watered early on, but that stopped, and now she seems to get an inordinate amount of crusty gunk, and i am wondering if her tear ducts are blocked. she has a well-child visit soon, so i will ask then.