Monday, July 13, 2009
anna went to the doctor this morning for her 4-mo check up. all is well, and as suspected she is huge. nearly 16 pbs, so that is 88th %ile, which is not mind bogggling or anything, but she is 27 inches long, which puts her in the 99th %ile. head circumference is big too-not sure of the measurement, but it was 95th %ile. her length is the part that keeps amazing me, mostly because she was the smallest of the 3. she also got a shot, and did not make a sound. not a single sound, not a tear, not a gulp--nothing. the only way you would have known something happened was that she sat up a bit straighter (she was in my lap), and her eyes sprung wide open for a moment -- then she just stared at poor nurse lisa with an expression of "i know you did this to me, and i am going to remember you -- trust me. i will not let you pick me up ever again."