Tuesday, September 01, 2009

school is almost here...and i will once again be able to update this blog. holy cow, it is impossible to find the time. not to mention that the kid's sleep schedules have all suddenly divested themselves of any sense of harmony. ava suddenly decided that her body won't go to sleep before 9 pm. at least for 3 or 4 days, then she crashes hard at 7:30. but i am usually entertaining her until 9. then i have to run around and do the chores for getting ready for the next day, and get to bed around 10:30. then anna wakes up sometime around 11:30 or midnight and giggles for about 2 hours, and finally drifts off. then carter gets up at 5. it is not the way i envisioned getting one on one time with each of them.

anyway, this morning at 5:05, carter said to me as we sat on the couch and watched the lake placid village municipal vehicles do their job "mommy, do you remember those girls in the lake that were dressed up like watermelons?"




"in the water"

"when we were swimming yesterday?"


"carter, i really think this was a dream"

at this he just looked at me, digesting this.

"i guess so"

"tell me what happened in your dream."

"well, i was swimming and i was having trouble getting out onto the dock and these watermelons came up and turned into these girls who helped me get out."

"they saved you?"


at this point i was having a hard time not laughing at the image of bobbing lifeguard watermelon fairies, but managed to keep a straight face and we kept discussing dreams.

then he followed this surreal story with "mom, is mary everywhere, like god is?"

the stuff that goes on in his head is truly mindboggling. i love it.