Friday, May 05, 2006

It was a beautiful day today. We spent a lot of it outside, and Carter spent a lot of it asleep. But when he was awake, he was inexplicably whiny. I figure it is his teeth, but it was irritating, only because he was not happy even when held. But once we left the house, he improved. He really enjoyed going to the HHOTT House, which is a gardening center. Ava liked it too, but was rather proprietary about the hoses and the little tags in the pots telling you what the plant was. I just had to leave because she could not resist playing with them.

She was quite pleasant today, and appears to have developed a burgeoning desire to please. This is a fantastic development, even if it is only in little fits and starts. Lots of "sorry, mom" and "are you mad?" and (after being instructed to 'LEAVE YOUR BROTHER ALONE!') "I just want to give him a kiss." Who's going to argue with that??

He is all over the place. He spent a lot of time practicing going in and out the door to the porch, which involves a small step, and he just wants to be vertical. He is into EVERYTHING. It is the most difficult part of this age. It all goes into his mouth.