Thursday, June 01, 2006

carter is learning to talk. it is so cute. he shakes his head 'no' and says naaaaa, and then he sort of writhes his upper body to nod yes and makes an indiscriminate eeeehhhhh sound when he does that. he waves, does 'so big,' claps, and says "NEH" to everything. it is his catch-all word. and i think nini means nurse. not sure though. of course we have DA! and mama and va va for the three of us, but that has been a longstanding accomplishment. oh, and he is fabulous at BLAAAAAAAAAAAHHHHHHH. he sticks his tongue out and wipes it with his hand as he says it.

today the front brakes died on the tahoe. it was a pretty nervewraking moment, but we emerged from it unscathed. mostly because the rear brakes were functioning. ava's response when we came to a stop was "mommy, why did you say sh*t sh*t sh*t?" i sort of ignored that question.

so, we are stuck at home. and it is raining. i saved all of my errands for today, since i knew it was going to rain, and here we are. blah. though we expect two interesting things: a load of wood, and the flat bed truck. that should capture ava's interest for a little bit.