this is how i feel, and i did not even eat any candy! this holiday is so weird. fun, but weird. it was painful to watch the sugar consumption. both kids had glazed eyes after about 40 minutes of trick or treating. caaaaaaannnnnnnnnndddyyyyyyyyyyyyy...
ava had a look of shock on her face the whole time. i don't think she remembers last year that well, and so her mental picture of what to expect was not entirely accurate. i think that the reality of hundreds of people dressed up in the most unidentifiable ways (darth vadar, princess leah, witches, skeletons, cartoon characters, the devil...) was completely beyond her ability to thoroughly absorb and process in real time. she had the candy thing down though.
carter got the idea right off the bat. hmmmm...i go up to these people, hold out this bucket, and they give me candy. terrrific! why not do this every day?