The summer nature watch has begun:
1. Some animal ate up all of our crocus bulbs. Left us with perfect round holes, so we can replace them, I guess.
2. Red winged blackbirds (a pair) visited out birdfeeder. Very weird, since we are in the woods and they are marshy-type birds.
3. Caterpillars galore
4. A pair of juncos has taken over the robin’s nest from last year. Their eggs have hatched, and the family appears to be doing well. There is a robin couple, but we have not yet located their nest.
5. All of my seedlings have died, save for those that I gave up on and plunked outside in the cold rain and snow. They are thriving. So much for grow lights.
6. Carter’s potatoes are thriving. Give a kid a potato and a pot of dirt, and you have food for a year. (Tell that to the Irish).
7. The tadpoles are out, very interesting
8. My perennials have all come back up. SO AMAZING. I can’t grow a vegetable to save my life, but I sure as heck can get flowers.
9. Ava and Carter have decided that the kiddie pool is no fun unless you shovel hundreds of pounds of dirt into it. We now have our own little swamp, begging to be declared a wetland and thus protected from any further development.
10. The bugs are still vicious.
11. We found a spider with an egg sac (deep breath)
12. We found the exoskeleton of what I think was a cricket (deep breath)
13. We found some bizarre flowery-pine cone-y thing that we cannot identify
14. Rose and the chipmunks have declared full-on war.
15. Strawberry-picking soon…
Everything is green, sunny and warm. Life is looking pretty great. Muddy and sandy, but great.