i know, i know, get back to work, erin...
but i have to write this one down. carter (much to grandma's dismay) loves to throw things. loves it. finds great humor in it, a lot of satisfaction, and i think it just plain feels good. understandably, this is not an ideal habit to cultivate.
today, carter upped the ante.
he also likes to have his car window down. i allow him to have it "ALL THE WAY!!!" down when we are cruising around town, going slowly.
when we parked, the following conversation ensued:
"hey carter, where's your shoe?" (no right shoe on his foot...)
"i throwed it!"
"uhhh...out window."
"carter! out the window??? where?"
"uhhh...parking lot"
"price chopper?!?"
"no. daddy's office" (which really is the street, but he does not yet distinguish parallel parking from lots...)
"oh. ok. well, let's go see if we can find it."
we looked, and located it. some kind soul found it and set it on a planter. i can only hope that it did not hit them as it came flying out my rear window.
i definitely got the mother of the year award for walking my child through lake placid in one sneaker.