Tuesday, October 06, 2009

ava jumped her first crossrail on sunday. we have a picture of her, in nearly perfect 2-point position, on this HUGE horse jumping over a teeny tiny 6" jump. her face is practically exploding with a smile.

she is really good at riding. sigh.

anna is working very very hard on crawling. when naked, and not encumbered by a humongous diaper, she actually can inch her knees forward, but then her center of gravity is too far forward and she is unable to pick up a hand. or, she can pick up a hand and place it further forward, but she just cannot summon the abdominal strength to draw her knee up from such an extended position. she has considered sitting up, but is simply too top heavy. the operative word would be "timber!"

i cut carter's hair this morning. he looks fabulous. it took me 2 hours. at the end we had such a pile on the floor that it looked like a new cat.

he is excelling in school--i can't believe how motivated he is to write. i need to get him a whole bunch of notebooks--suddenly the desire to conquer that small motor thing is kicking in. little circles everywhere!