i was sort of joking when i said that she was pulling up on things (anna that is), but its no joke now. she immediately crawls over to the couch or chair or whatever it is and tries to stand. sometimes succesfully, sometimes not so successfully.
and i SWEAR she nods.
i would have thought that my observations would be less precise with a 3rd child, but it turns out they are more so. i suppose i know what to look for. either that or anna is REALLY obvious.
right now she is singing to a frozen waffle.
last night, carter was snuggled up to me and i thought he said "mom, someday i am going to have a big appointment."
i said "a big appointment?"
and he said "no. a big APARTMENT."
i said "well, that's great carter. i think that would be wonderful." and then he said "and there will be lots of rooms and you could be there too and there would be a first room and that is the living room and it will have a tv and that could be your living room too because i never want to be without you."
the other day, he was painting/drawing or something at the table, and he looked up and said "mom! i am going to be a famous artist! isn't that great?!"
what is interesting about that is that he has virtually NO interest in art if i say "hey! do you want to do an art project?" and even less interest in writing/fne motor skills. i have to just put the materials out and not say anything.
i can honestly say that swine flu or flu flu or flu-like constellation of symptoms truly stink. we have lost 1.5 weeks of november to television and the warmth of our sweat-drenched beds.