it is amazing how relaxing textiles are for kids. we have been playing with wool--felting it into little balls (ultimately for the christmas tree), and today i gave both of them some fabric scraps and scissors. i did not even need to give ava sewing materials. they just sat there and cut and tied and cut and draped--it was great.
even anna likes to get into the act--give her a piece of fabric and she plays peek-a-boo. very well i might add. she LOVES it. she pulls it over her face, i say "where's anna?" and she pulls it away with a HUGE grin. it is really adorable.
skate america was this weekend. very exhausting, but very exciting. not many chances to see the reigning world champions compete. and especially not many chances to have the men's world champion sign your skate. very cool for ava.
i spent the day in carter's classroom today. totally exhausting. no wonder those kids come home in a near-catatonic state. no wonder the teachers look like they do. i think the word is glazed.