Ava is up to 102.7 degrees. This is very high for her, as she rarely cracks 101. She is lying on the couch, sleeping fitfully.
Carter is gooey again. I hoped to take him off the benadryl, but apparently he is not finished with the snot. Plus the antibiotic has him pooping up a storm.
Basically I bounce between the 2 kids, administering medicine, hugs, new diapers, tissues, nursing, and thermometers all day. THANK GOD I have Grandma, because she is walking around after us, disinfecting everything and making sure I have something to eat. Neither kid is really consuming anything, so at least we do not have to go all out for meals.
I finally understand the reason why parents push so hard for antibiotics, even when unnecessary. Carter spent less than 4 hours on amoxicillin, and he was a new kid. He went from puffy, red, watery eyes and crying every time he coughed to clear-faced and reasonably well-disposed. He still coughs, but he does not suffer when he does. It is hard to see that kind of effect and not wish for it every time. And it was prescribed for an ear infection, which is currently hotly debated--the argument is that most ear infections are viral in nature, and thus do not need antibiotics. But this one wasn't, and I now know that if your kid is suffering, and if there is something that might make him better, you want it, despite all of the concern about creating drug-resistant-super-bugs. My concern now is to determine what is going on with Ava--is it still just the virus, or does she too have a secondary bacterial infection? She is not complaining of sinus pain or ear pain, so I am not inclined to think it is bacterial yet.
Grandma has escaped to Best Buy to find a portable DVD player. Hopefully by the time she is back, Ava's temperature will have gone down since I dosed her with Tylenol, and we can go for a little walk outside. It is lovely out.