Thursday, March 02, 2006

I did not mean to end the previous post so abruptly, Carter woke up and I had to sign off.

I think I forgot to mention that Carter can lift his belly off the floor now--he gets up on his hands and knees, looks around with glee and then collapses back down. Sometimes he just puts his head down, and then pushes up with his legs so that he is in an inverted V with head and feet on the floor. He thinks this is pretty clever.

His eyebrows are not located at the same distance from his forehead--one is lower than the other. It is pretty cute, as this means that when he raises both eyebrows, one inevitably goes up higher in an "oh, you don't say" type expression.

I am desperately sick. Well, not desperately, but not feeling too hot. Cold-type thing, with some rather productive coughs and sneezes. Both kids appear to be fine.

We are all slowly recovering from our travels. Ava and Grandma made gingerbread cake this morning, and now they are painting while Carter sleeps. Grandma had the idea of the century when she scraped out all of the eye shadow from a little Clinique compact, and gave it to Ava with the 2 little brushes--Ava now is constantly "putting make-up on."

Did I mention the plane was hot? Like brutally hot?

Oh, and Carter LOVES the baby swings at the playground. LOOOOOOOOOVES them. Big smiles.