Sunday, March 12, 2006

So, Ava finally fell asleep last night at 9:30. Two and a half hours after her bedtime. I finally concluded that it was the cough medicine that kept her up. I was seriously insane by that point.

And very hungry.

Let's see...we have done so much, I keep forgetting. We went to the rodeo yesterday, which was a total blast. I should clarify-we went to the livestock show and carnival at the rodeo, but not the actual competition. Ava rode a pony, and we saw herding dogs working, and we saw Elsie the cow of Borden's Milk fame -- who must have had plastic surgery to look the way she does -- she looks just like the cow on the milk cartons, which is not exactly standard-cow-appearance. I know she is a jersey cow, or something like that, but even they are not this pretty. Either that or she had a LOT of make-up on. Elsie had an 'adopted' baby, who was in a pen next to her--the thing was itty bitty, and Ava loved it. I kept grilling the keeper to find out if Elsie really had adopted the baby, as in accepted it as her own, or if it was just a front. He was not fond of my line of questioning. We also saw a bunch of goats and horses, and a petting zoo where there was a baby camel (?!). Then we went on the carosel, a little fire engine ride, and a teeny tiny rollercoaster. Ava adored it all, and we finished up on the carosel again. We drove home, rested, blew bubbles on the patio, and then went to Jo's Cafe. But not before we went to get some cowboy boots for Ava. She picked black over red, and they are SO ADORABLE. Mom also found a pair of boots that she liked, until she read the price tag. Nevermind. SO off to the cafe we went, and Ava had a good time until a dog at the table next to her went psycho on her and growled and barked and snapped at her from 4 feet away. She was a trooper and did not move or do anything, I yelled "AVA!" and just about dove over the table with Carter in my arms, but all was fine. This was, according to the dog's owner, just a warning. Here's a warning for you lady: don't bring your vicious dog to a cafe full of kids, or pretty soon you will have a lawsuit on your hands. I would like to sprinkle this story with a few expletives, but won't for decorum. Just insert them where you might find a vehement adjective appropriate. Anyway, we went home, had the night time insomnia routine, and then she slept til 8.

Today we went to the barn where Mikey the horse lives, and saw his owner Carol, who teaches riding there. The stars alligned, and Grandma was able to take both kids, and I was able to ride for an hour. They put Grandma through her paces, and she really did an amazing job, putting up with 2 kids who wanted their mom. She got Carter to stop crying and entertained Ava with Joey, the sheep dog, who wanted Ava to throw a ball for her. I had a great time, and am forever indebted.

More on that later, as now, I am going to go have a glass of wine.